- rod-walloper
- MT онанизм
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
English-Russian australian expression. 2014.
rod-walloper — n a male masturbator. Rod is an occasional slang synonym for the penis … Contemporary slang
rod-walloper — /ˈrɒd wɒləpə/ (say rod woluhpuh) noun Colloquial (taboo) a male who masturbates …
Rod-walloper — male who masturbates … Dictionary of Australian slang
rod-walloper — Australian Slang male who masturbates … English dialects glossary
roddy — n British a. a male masturbator b. a foolish or obnoxious individual This playground term, usually used by males of males, probably derives from the earlier rod walloper, a rarer synonym of wanker … Contemporary slang
rodder — n British a. a male masturbator b. a foolish or obnoxious individual This playground term, usually used by males of males, probably derives from the earlier rod walloper, a rarer synonym of wanker … Contemporary slang
sausage grappler — n Australian a male masturbator. One of many synon ymous vulgarisms (rod walloper, etc.) heard since the 1960s … Contemporary slang